Showing 12 Result(s)

Why ovulation is important for your period

As long as you have ovaries and are not in menopause  you must be ovulating. Whether you are trying to conceive or not, you must ovulate in every menstrual cycle. Ovulation is the sign of healthy ovaries. In fact, you whole menstrual cycle is built for this specific purpose, to ovulate. Poor ovulation or a …

Herbs for Hormone Balancing

Herbs have long been used to treat women’s gynaecological problems. As more and more research is coming out on the devastating side effects of hormonal birth control and other medications used to treat hormonal conditions, more women are seeking more natural options to restore their hormone balance and reclaim their health. Hormone balancing herbs work …

Fats you should be eating to balance your hormones

Does it feel like your hormones are on steroids and making your body go a little crazy? Well actually, your hormones ARE steroids and they are from made cholesterol. Steroid hormones Pregnenolone Progesterone The Estrogen’s (estrone, estradiol, estriol) Cortisol DHEA(dehydroepiandrosterone) Testosterone   Not all cholesterol is created equal and not all cholesterol is good for …

4 ways to naturally improve your fertility

A positive pregnancy test is one thing many women hope to see. For some it happens ‘effortlessly’ while for many trying to conceive it’s a difficult journey.  More women (and couples) are turning to natural methods to improve their fertility for various reasons; for some they can not afford Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) while others …

Could Anaemia be protecting you from a viral infection?

Iron Deficiency Anaemia is a common nutritional deficiency. Women with heavy periods( mennoraghia), fibroids or endometriosis are prone to it. Pregnant women may also develop anaemia due to the baby needing sufficient blood supply while it grows and develops. Other causes of iron deficiency anaemia: Low dietary intake of iron Deficiencies in Folate, Zinc, Vitamins …

5 Ways to naturally boost your immune system

In a world where hand sanitisers, masks and gloves have become the order of the day not forgetting the influx of doomsday messages from the media, one can easily get overwhelmed by the media and forget to listen in on nature and doubt the resilience of our bodies. Now more than ever before has it become …